Company Profile

Impulse - Evolution of an Entity

Impulse Microelectronics Pvt. Ltd is part of the Rs. 20-Core Impulse Computers group. The company came into being with a mandate to meet the growing IT & networking requirements of the group’s clients. However, as it set up shop, Network development gained importance as a business proposition. Therefore, in August 1994, just four months after the company was formally incorporated, its focus was changed. In addition, since then, it has been on a fast track of sustained growth.

IMPL is now in perfect harmony with the market needs, its specialized knowledge of operating software, application processes, hardware troubleshooting, Cloud Solution, high end product maintenance services and its networking expertise leading to an ideal synergy. For solutions of global standards, but at realistic prices, customers from India over approached IMPL.   

 Ownerships, Alliances, Tie-Ups

IMPL is a wholly owned, a profit-making ISO 9001:2008 certified, Lucknow-registered company. Besides taking care of IMPL’s operations, this company offers onsite professional service to OEM clients based in U.P & Uttranchal.

IMPLs tie-ups with multinational entities like Dell, HP, Microsoft, IBM, CISCO, Peoplelink & many more to vend their products and services in U.P. & Uttranchal. In addition, there are tie-ups and technology licensing programs with major international & Indian InfoTech companies for our specialized IT products. 

 Building Knowledge Blocks

IMPL builds e-infrastructure. Its domain starts from basic hardware maintenance services and extends to highly sophisticated high end specialized support. Through a range of Branded PC & peripheral product sales, annual maintenance services, banking software, client-server applications high end peripherals support and networking solutions and Cloud networking solutions offering more often than not turnkey and total solutions to clients. In all the development and marketing efforts, it leverages on the strengths of Impulse Computers group.   

 Distributed Pillars

IMPL believes in the concept of compact strategic business units, each functioning as a focused and independent profit center. The idea is each one of them can fine-tune its capabilities and adapt the latest technologies relevant to its sphere of activity. The five units that function now are:

. PC & Peripheral sales to Government, Educational, Corporate & SME Organization to all over U.P.

. All kind of Networking and Implementation of their Peripherals.

. Independent as Third party Technical Support services of all kind of Computers & Printers.

. Provide all kind of Cloud Computing & Networking Solution.

. All kind of Security Solutions for Individual and Enterprise like Cameras, Biometric Devices, Fire Alarms, Smart Door Lock etc.

The company’s marketing efforts are geared to target product and service-specific clients. Mostly, marketing is done by in-house teams. The proposed offices in Uttaranchal & M. P. Will take care of additional work pressure generated because of companies expansion plan.     

 Talent Storehouse

A significant offshoot of the limited span of the company’s operations in Hardware & software support & networking integration has been the creation of a talent and knowledge base. IMPL today has a knowledge pool of 50 technocrats and Hardware engineers, a highly talented and motivated team of achievers. In addition to their academic qualifications, each of these technocrats possesses a thorough exposure to his or her work areas, having undergone systematic and tailored on-job training.

The recruitment process itself is tuned to get the best. It is mostly through campus interviews at prestigious technical institutes and with the help of manpower consultants. Once a technocrat comes into the IMPL family, it is continuous skill up gradations.

Process for him or her through periodical training and exposure sessions, refresher courses and other competency development programs. The raw recruit is turned into a world-class hardware professional. While training programs are mainly conducted in-house, the company is planning a dedicated training center to meet the increasing needs of specialized, product-precise training programs and also to meet the requirements of training customer staff.The overall activities have paved way for creation of a substantial knowledge base, which IMPL proposes to capitalize. This knowledge base has great relevance in areas like Internet and web-based and client-server applications and e-com. IMPL’s destinies, like in any professionally managed corporate body, are guided by a board of directors, whose members are seasoned professionals themselves and authorities in their own fields of activity.   

Promoters & Directors

Ravi Prakash Agarawal, Managing Director
Graduate Engineer
20 years professional experience. in IT industry

Rekha Agarawal Director Adm.
Graduate with management diploma
10 years professional experience in IT industry.

 Registered Office Correspondence Details

Address: B-1/47, Sector B, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024
Phone: 0522- 27622349
Mobile: 9918200120
Fax: 0522-4016084, 2335643
E-mail: support@impl.in